Perfect Home Living sets its Sights on Corporate sponsorships from Lenders to combat Mortgage Fraud
Released on = December 29, 2005, 11:38 pm
Press Release Author = Perfect Home Living
Industry = Financial
Press Release Summary = Perfect Home Living is now accepting applications for lender and corporate sponsorships
Press Release Body = Salt Lake City, UT/ Press Release/ What started as a ripple has manifested itself into something far greater than experts and law enforcement could have ever imagined. Mortgage fraud has jetted to the forefronts of lender board rooms and financial crime task force units all across the country. The American Dream of Homeownership falls now in the balance of finding solutions that can remove white collar criminals, while incorporating link-chain accountability into lender infrastructure.
From September 2005 to December 2005, Perfect Home Living witnessed over 10,000 visitors to the Perfect Home Living website. Some required training while others sought the efforts of Perfect Home Living's investigative unit, while others came to learn from the professionals that experience mortgage fraud from a state ranking fourth in the nation and 1st amongst western states for mortgage fraud.
"We are proud of what the company has accomplished in '05 and anticipate that 2006 will keep Perfect Home Living proactive in our efforts to combat mortgage fraud," said CEO, Sheri Fitzpatrick. "Our launch of 'Mortgage Fraud - Seeing what's Behind the Wall,' advertising campaign, has been well received and attests to our commitment of stopping mortgage fraud," Fitzpatrick added.
Perfect Home Living is now accepting applications for lender and corporate sponsorships for upcoming brick-and-mortar events, online advertising opportunities and market reports. Each level of sponsorships affords varying degrees of exposure to core target audiences.
For more information concerning this limited opportunity please email:
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Contact Details = Tel: 801.668.3952 Fax: 801.528.3321
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